Nural Sales

by Nuraltech



Automate your sales processes and increase your sales with Nural Sales Management App. Get easy access to organized data and manage your information efficiently with a click of a button! From customer relationship management, and distribution management system to sales force automation, Nural Sales is capable of doing it all!Access Data Easily From AnywhereNow, with Nural Sales Management App, you can access data from anywhere right from your mobile device! From the dashboard of the mobile app, you can access important data in the form of graphs and charts that are easily understandable.Increase Your Sales Exponentially!With the help of this Sales Management App, you can easily increase your sales manifold. Keep track of your both field and remote sales team and their performance, maintain excellent customer service and manage your distribution system all from the mobile app. You can also accelerate a lot of processes with the help of the app.Increase your business sales on the go with the Nural Sales App. Download the app NOW!